Earn more $King
Coming Soon.
Stake $KING
Connect your wallet in Polygon blockchain.
Select duration you want to stake (7 days, 30 days, 60 days or 90 days).
Enter the amount you want to stake.
Click the Stake button to stake the indicated amount.
Approve your limit $KING tokens to transfer.
Approve the transaction in Metamask to complete the operation.
Claim Rewards
You can check in real time the royalties you are getting from $KING.
You can use the Claim Reward button to get the royalties you have generated so far.
You just have to click on the Claim Reward button and approve the operation in Metamask and the royalties will already be in your wallet.
Withdraw $KING
Connect your wallet in Polygon blockchain.
Enter the amount you want to withdraw.
Click the Withdraw button to withdraw the indicated amount.
Approve the transaction in Metamask to complete the operation.
REMEMBER. If you withdraw the tokens before the indicated days, a withdrawal fee will be applied. Each pool has a different commission.
Last updated